Lovstvo > Sokolarenje
Mozda ce biti interesantno Sokolarima za procitat?Mada ja licno mislim da je ovo na slici mlada zenka Kopca ticara,posto ima uzduzne pruge na grudima braon boje???
Zamolio bih Admina, da malo uveca slike ili da pokusam kasnije sam-hvala.
Da trebalo bi ih malo uvećati. Hvala za članak.
Ovo u članku je Besra kobac ne živi kod nas u Hrvatskoj mada sam čuo da postoji dio koji migrira preko BiH. Sokolarski se baš ne upotrebljvaju puno ali su lijepe grabljivice u prirodi d4
Ovo je mladi Besra mužjak kopca, nisu mu još jako požutile oči i voskovica oko kljuna.
Pozdrav Viktor
Petrinja Saker:
Dali je istina da je sokolarstvo u srbiji yabranjeno kako se navodi u ovom clanku.
News about criminal charges against the Serbian government officials PDF Imprimer E-mail
Further developments in the case against the high officials of The Ministry of the Environmental Protection of Serbia who participated in the international illegal trade of protected birds of prey
On Thursday, 1st November 2007 in the police action based on the initiative of The Society for the Protection of Wild Birds of Yugoslavia, whose representatives participated in it and with the previous agreement with the public prosecutor, in possession of the suspect Markovic Vladimir from Vinca (village near Belgrade) specimen of lanner falcon (falco biarmicus), one of the rarest raptors in Europe, whose population in Serbia consists of less than 10 pairs, was found and confiscated.
Athough police had the court search warrant, Markovic and his family resisted the police siege for several hours, as police was unable to enter their property due to the several aggressive dogs released around the house and suspicion that Markovic could as well use firearms. After the support of special police unit and fire fighting brigade, with other measures of security, police managed to force their way into suspect's house.
In the meantime Vladimir Markovic's mother, in attempt of trying to get rid of the evidences, managed to release from the cages in the garden and in the garage around 25 protected song birds (goldfinches, siskins and serins), as well as one hybrid of goldfinch and canary (in Serbia breeding of protected European bird species and their hybrids is a felony).
In the moment when police and representatives of The Society for the Protection of Wild Birds of Yugoslavia entered the Markovic's property only one specimen of serin was left inside, as well as an impressive adult female of lanner falcon, with both of its legs tied with leather straps that were put on it probably while it was still a juvenile. On the head bird had a "falconry cap" (falconry is in Serbia forbidden by the law with the simple fact that possession of birds of pray, no matter what their origins are, is considered a felony).
Ring found on the birds' leg showed identical marks to those that were used for marking of birds in his illegal possession by Tibor Buza, one of the leaders of the organised criminal group involved in illegal international trade of birds of prey (against whom criminal case is already under way). To him, as well to the other members of his group officials of the Ministry of the Environmental Protection of Serbia, Institute for the Protection of Nature and other state services (against whom, as explained in our previous letter, DZDPJ brought criminal charges) issued CITES export permits for species totally protected by the domestic laws, and used these permits as one of the ways to enable them to transfer birds across the borders. Only to Tibor Buza more than 200 CITES permits were issued only for a period from March to November 2006 for the permanently protected species of birds of prey.
Alexandra Tadic
President of DZDPJ
Drustvo za zastitu divljih ptica Jugoslavije (DZDPJ)
The Society for the Protecion of Wild Birds of Yugoslavia
Decanska 21, Belgrade, Serbia
tel./fax +381 11 3345 977, tel. +381 11 3232 793, mob. +381 63 8294 944
e-mail: dzdpj@eunet.yu dzdpj@yahoo.com
Ne znam ko koga tamo j... ali oni to moraju sami razrijesiti.Pretpostavljam da je Buza T. dobio legalne papire da uveza ptice kada se vratio iz Emirata.Ne vjerujem da mu trebaju divlje ptice kada mu ne daju da izveze svoje.Ali kao i za sve ostalo trebat ce vremena da istina dodje na vidjelo.
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