Autor Tema: Zeiss Terra ED  (Posjeta: 14190 vremena)

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Odg: Zeiss Terra ED
« Odgovori #30 u: 04. 07. 2013. 19:17:15 »
Kolega radnic ako saznaš kolko dođu svi troškovi javi nam tu, jer trebam za MK novu optiku, i isto tražim te informacije  a oču si nabaviti model 3-9x42!

po mom nekom izracunu i procjeni bi trebalo biti + 770 kn carine i pdv-a...ako sam tocno izracunao

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Odg: Zeiss Terra ED
« Odgovori #31 u: 04. 07. 2013. 19:35:35 »
Evo vise informacija za opticke ciljnike :

Thank you for your inquiry to Carl Zeiss.

There would be little difference in terms of the optical performance, for example, between the two scopes.

Reticle selection would be different, the Rapid-Z that was in the Conquest MC series is not available in the TERRA model, though the TERRA does have a simple holdover solution in the RZ6. A plex reticle is of course also available.

Glass selection is essentially the same, they still retain MC multi-coatings, etc.The adjustment knob looks different in terms of those scopes with standard hunting adjustments, there is no provision for a target type turret system with these scopes though.

Otherwise the only quantifiable difference would really be the objective size 42mm now vs. 40 or 44mm before. A few other cosmetic differences are apparent also like the protective cap, etc.

Hoping to be of service to you we kindly ask you to contact us again should you need further assistance.

Richard Moncrief

ery Best Regards,

Richard W. Moncrief

Training Manager

Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc.
Sports Optics
13005 N. Kingston Avenue
Chester, VA 23836 USA

Phone: +1 804 425 8455
Fax: +1 804 530 8481

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Odg: Zeiss Terra ED
« Odgovori #32 u: 04. 07. 2013. 20:43:57 »
Imam oba Conquesta,od 40 i 44 objektivom i moram reći da su za 1" tubus-ciljnike izvrsni,44-ka je do zadnjeg tračka svjetla al pari sa Steinerom,nakon mraka Steiner još 10-ak minuta radi i to ne to.
Ako vam ne treba iluminacija,Conquest je bomba.
"i samilosni je za ljude!!!"

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Odg: Zeiss Terra ED
« Odgovori #33 u: 21. 02. 2015. 19:30:28 »
Evo Terra 3X u Fanzoju i cijene su takve kakve jesu, sad kupujte i javljajte rezultate sa terena !  ref
-pozdrav, Lesec !