Karl Kaps is a little bit like a Cinderella of the German brands.
The company is still owned and run by the Kaps family which has a great reputation of passion for the optics.
Karl Kaps Classic uses exactly the same lenses as Schmit & Bender Classic and is mechanically very good. I would dare say that it has the same robustness that is common to the German and Austrian brands. The attractive thing about them is the price as they are much cheaper than their competitors.
They have some pretty impressive and priceworthy tactical scopes as well as several hunting models: Classic, Classic illuminated and TLB. The TLB are day/night illuminated and are very similar to the top brands. Here, the prices differ with several hundreds of euros between Karl Kaps and brands like S&B, Zeiss, Swarovski and even Kahles.
I have the priviledge to have looked on every model they make and none was disappointing.
Lazare ja kad nešto napišem to i provjerim. Ova tvrtka ima dobru suradnju s S&B-om iako nije S&B.
Kapsova Optika na slici vizualno sliči pojedinim modelima S&B optike.