20) Country Boy Johnny Cash
Best Lyric: Country boy, you got a shaggy dog / country boy, up the holler log / well he comes at a run when you pick up your gun / and with a shell or two and your dog and you / when you get your rabbit you're gonna skin his hide / he's gonna be good fried
19) Welcome to the Jungle
Guns & Roses
Best Lyrics: Welcome to the jungle / It gets worse here everyday / Ya learn ta live like an animal / In the jungle where we play
guns n roses
to the jungle with lyrics18) I'm Still a Guy
Brad Paisley
Best Lyrics: When you see a deer you see Bambi / and I see antlers up on the wall / When you see a lake you think picnics / and I see a largemouth up under that log
17) Ol Red
Blake Shelton
Best Lyrics: Now Ol' Red he's the damnedest dog that I've ever seen / Got a nose that can smell a two day trail / He's a four legged tracking machine / You can consider yourself mighty lucky / To get past the gators and the quicksand beds / But all these years that I've been here / Ain't nobody got past Red
! Video not found16) Mud on the Tires
Brad Paisely
Best Lyric: I've got some big news / The bank finally came through / And I'm holdin' the keys to a brand new Chevrolet / Have you been outside it sure is a nice night /How about a little test drive / Down by the lake / There's a place I know about where the dirt road runs out / And we can try out the four-wheel drive / Come on now what do you say / Girl, I can hardly wait to get a little mud on the tires
15) Backwoods Boy
Josh Turner
Best Lyrics: Woke up at 5am, put on my camouflage / Wiped off my .243 and fired up my Dodge / Headed out to my ol' deerstand back in the pines / Gonna get me a ten point buck with 11 inch tines
14) Of Wolf and Man
Best Lyric: Off through the new day's mist I run / Out from the new day's mist I have come / I hunt / Therefore I am
13) Dead Skunk in The Middle of the Road
Loudon Wainwright
Best Lyric: Take a whiff on me, that ain't no rose! / Roll up yer window and hold yer nose / You don't have to look and you don't have to see / 'Cause you can feel it in your olfactory
12) Backwoods
Justin Moore
Best Lyric: Rifle in a gun rack hanging in the back glass / Buck knife on my belt, ain’t no land for sale ‘round here / Red clay country mud, sippin’ on a cold Bud / Blue tick coon hound you know where I’m found out in the backwoods
11) Rocky Mountain High
John Denver
Best Lyric: Now he walks in quiet solitude the forest and the streams / Seeking grace in every

he takes / His sight has turned inside himself to try and understand / The serenity of a clear blue mountain lake