Optike i nosači > Optike

HAKKO optike

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zanimaju me iskustva sa hakko optikama,modelima superb i majesty

Scope Branding

Branding does not mean you know who made a scope. Branding is a process of advertising and establishing market identity, picking a price point and feature list for a given market, finding an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) to make it, and then selling to that market. Adjustments are made as market conditions dictate. Market conditions include lower cost of production in emerging countries, new competition, economic trends, exchange rates, etc.

For example, Hakko scopes are not generally available in the US under that brand, but some have been available as the Tasco Super Sniper series and Springfield Gen III. There are (at least) two large riflescope manufacturing concerns in Japan, Light Optical Works and Hakko, and one in Taiwan, Asia Optical. LOW is considered the best, then Hakko and then AO. However, all make products according to spec. The more features and quality control an OEM brander wants, the more they pay for, the more they get.

So, it is quite possible to get a nicer Hakko that is a better scope than an lesser LOW (or vice-versa). However, you will pay more for the better scope, no matter who makes it.

A disturbing trend is for a company to start production of a new model in Japan. After the magazines review it and the reputation is established, manufacture is shifted elsewhere on the Pacific Rim. Examples here include the Simmons Aetec, BSA Platinum, and the Tasco World Class.


--- Citat: ikova371 - 30. 08. 2007. 14:01:47 ---zanimaju me iskustva sa hakko optikama,modelima superb i majesty

--- Kraj citata ---
Ja sto cujem ovdje je da su te optike vrlo dobre.

za 22 lr. moze da posluzi, uzmi tasco titan i kupio si dobru i jeftinu optiku

Imao sam 3-12x56 i nemogu nista lose o njoj reci


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