Neki proizvodjaci preporucavaju a neki ne preporucavaju razradu cijevi.
Svojevremeno je browning imao ovu preporuku na svojim web stranicama, ali ne znam ima li jos.
Surpotno tome, na primjer, nova bergara B14 ima ovu preporuku.
During manufacturing, microscopic imperfections
are created in the bore of the barrel.
These imperfections are smoothed after several
rounds of shots. If these imperfections are removed
correctly, the barrel will foul less, will be
easier to clean, will be more uniform and will
become more accurate.
Allow the barrel to
-down before you start
Recommended breaking in process:
• For the first 5 shots clean the rifle after each
• For the next 50 shots clean the rifle after
every 10 shots.
• For subsequent shots clean the rifle frequently.
The process of removing these imperfections
is called "Breaking in the barrel ". The process
involves firing a shot or a series of shots and
then cleaning the bore.Uglavnom, da li to zaista raditi, ili ne - ovisi o korisniku. Po meni, moze i ne mora. Ako se odradi, moze pomoci, a ne moze stetiti.
Ako je cijev malo grublja (to jest nedovoljno ispolirana, ili ne ispolirana) na pocetku ce skupljati vise naslaga.
Ako je vlasnik nemaran, te ce naslage dugorocno uzrokovati brze propadanje cijevi.
Ako vlasnik redovno odrzava pusku, onda je svejedno. Ja sam za match pusku ovo radio, za lovacke karabine nisam. (i ne nedostaje im preciznosti)
Screen shot iz manuala bergare b14 u privitku.