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Daniel & infamous blades:
Pratim sa zanimanjem razvoj ove rasprave.

Medjutim za materijale nozeva sam totalni laik.
Pa ako mi neko od vas moze ukratko dati presjek tipova celika za ostrice, po cemu se razlikuju, i da li ima razlike u funkciji za koju se ostrica koristi.

Spominju se prethodno, da navedem,
Bohler M390
mozda je neki i promakao. pa ako mozete navesti razlike?

Infamous Blade:
 uf samo kratko i nabrzinu..pa nastavim nekom drugom prilikom...Danijel frajer je izgleda Laponac-Finac i po
običaju priča gluposti...te očito ne razumije  powder steel  postupak

Roger..pogledaj tablice pa pokušaj ponešto zaključiti...ondak nastavak slijedi  z10


--- Citat: Infamous Blade - 18. 04. 2016. 21:53:40 --- uf samo kratko i nabrzinu..pa nastavim nekom drugom prilikom...Danijel frajer je izgleda Laponac-Finac i po
običaju priča gluposti...te očito ne razumije  powder steel  postupak

--- Kraj citata ---

neznam jel laponac ali gluposti ne priča definitivno. Jer istu stvar pričaju i nathan machinist,ben tendick,kevin wilkins...
A evo sto kaže trgovac, alpha knife supply..:

"All Bohler Uddeholm stainless steels are HIP'ed in a 300 stainless can. The can stays on the steel while it is processed into sheet. The user decides if they want to remove the can. Bohler Uddeholm has know about this problem for a few years. They say they will not remove the can because no one has complained. We have complained for years. Two years ago we stopped stocking Elmax and M390. We told BU we would not stock the steel until they removed the can. We've explained to knifemakers why we stopped selling the steel and told knifemakers to express their concerns to BU. This year at Blade show the BU representative stopped by our booth and said they had received many complaints regarding the HIP can. He said BU had received the message and would remove the can. Two weeks ago BU told us they changed their mind and will NOT remove the can.

Carpenter also uses a stainless can. They used to leave the can on. When they recognized the problem, they pulled the steel and ground the can off the sheet. Carpenter now removes the can after the HIP is run.

Crucible uses a mild steel HIP can. The can turns to scale as the steel is rolled into sheet. When the sheet is complete, the can is gone. I think this is a simple easy solution.

Some companies still sell Elmax & M390 and don't tell knifemakers about the can. We hear about the problem a few times a month.

If you like Elmax & M390 and don't like the HIP can, tell BU. If enough people complain, they might remove the can."

A i sam sam napravio mali test, pobrusio i ošmirglao komadić i umoćio ga u kiselinu i sloj "nečega" je jasno vidljiv.
Ne kažem da je to loše i da nemam pojma jel uopće utjeće na tvrdoću il bilo sta,ali sigurno ću nadalje radit surface grinding.

Danijele, što u ovom kontekstu znači famozni "can"  ? Možete li barem ukratko prevesti članak, većinu razumijem, ali mi nepoznavanje pokoje riječi brka smisao ?
Unaprijed hvala.

nešto kao "limenka"


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