Optike i nosači > Optike

Deon MARCH optike (Japan)

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pa napisao sam, alex wheeler na accurate shooter forum, je napravio test f-class optik; više primjeraka. najbolja stakla nightforce 15-55 (vjerovatno zbog 3,7× zooma) ali mehanika pušiona, perfektno drži namerilnu tačku k1050 i stakla dobra. stari march nije bio loš u mehanici (10-60x52) ali nije bio perfekt i stakla loša, ali novi 1060HM i 8-80 bila sta loša kod mehanike. a u taktikal, kde mora biti mehanika 100% perfekt, marcha nema. 0 bodova.

march je prilično popularan u hrvatskoj i sloveniji na f-class.

ali nije sve tako crno; ja bi imajo kompaktnog marcha 2.5-25x42 na varmint 17 hornet puški... vrlo rado.


--- Citat: Marko2Marko - 26. 05. 2020. 08:56:18 ---pa napisao sam, alex wheeler na accurate shooter forum, je napravio test f-class optik; više primjeraka. najbolja stakla nightforce 15-55 (vjerovatno zbog 3,7× zooma) ali mehanika pušiona, perfektno drži namerilnu tačku k1050 i stakla dobra. stari march nije bio loš u mehanici (10-60x52) ali nije bio perfekt i stakla loša, ali novi 1060HM i 8-80 bila sta loša kod mehanike. a u taktikal, kde mora biti mehanika 100% perfekt, marcha nema. 0 bodova.

march je prilično popularan u hrvatskoj i sloveniji na f-class.

ali nije sve tako crno; ja bi imajo kompaktnog marcha 2.5-25x42 na varmint 17 hornet puški... vrlo rado.

--- Kraj citata ---
Wheeler Accuracy reklamira i piše tko zna za koga, to su neobjektivna pisanja. To je isto kao da o Deon March Scopeu piše Jim Kelbly ili Stuart Elliot koji s njima pucaju ili su pucali i koji ih zastupaju i predstavljaju.

testove od alexa su izbrisali (kažu da je postalo kažiput za šoping  happi),




ali postoji rezultati na strelec.si


--- Citat: perop - 26. 05. 2020. 08:19:35 ---Što se tiče Thangent Thete, Premier Reticle, Zero Compromise itd., tvrtki sa zvučnim imenima koji često mijenjaju vlasničku strukturu...
--- Kraj citata ---

mislim da ovo nije tačno. TT postoji več nekoliko godina i ne vjerujem da mjenja vlastnike, premierja več dugo nije, ZCO je nova firma, koji proizvodi se proizvode u austriji i šalje američki firmi za prodaju. imho


--- Citat: Marko2Marko - 26. 05. 2020. 09:30:28 ---
--- Citat: perop - 26. 05. 2020. 08:19:35 ---Što se tiče Thangent Thete, Premier Reticle, Zero Compromise itd., tvrtki sa zvučnim imenima koji često mijenjaju vlasničku strukturu...
--- Kraj citata ---

mislim da ovo nije tačno. TT postoji več nekoliko godina i ne vjerujem da mjenja vlastnike, premierja več dugo nije, ZCO je nova firma, koji proizvodi se proizvode u austriji i šalje američki firmi za prodaju. imho

--- Kraj citata ---

Malo propadnu pa malo rade a vlasništvo ne bi odgonetnula ni pijana ciganka Valjda neće krenuti putem bankrotirane Premier Reticle iako su uzeli njihov tim ljudi! Imaju solidnu optiku ali vrlo uzak segment optičkih ciljnika. Sve se to zasniva na Schottovom staklu i dobrim vezama s Schmidt&Benderom hao

Armament Technology Inc.
January 31, 2019 · Public
We have noticed some confusion surrounding the relationship between Premier and Tangent Theta. So we wanted to post a little history for everyone.
Armament Technology Incorporated took over North American Distribution of the Premier Heritage and Light Tactical lines of rifle scopes in 2009.
In 2011, Premier Reticles Limited (Premier) ceased operations and entered bankruptcy proceedings some time later.
Understanding that there would be a gap in the market for a very high-end North American-made line of rifle scopes, a team of industry professionals was assembled and Tangent Theta Incorporated (TTI) was founded in late 2011. TTI promptly initiated their design planning and had their product line in development by the Spring of 2012. Although the TTI products were designed to replace the Premier products in the market, the TTI designs are completely independent from the Premier designs, and there are virtually no common customized parts between the two lines.
ATI, in an effort to support it’s customers that had purchased Premier scopes, made the decision to honour Premier’s warranty against manufacturer’s defect for all Premiers that had been sold through ATI’s distribution channel. This honorarium is still in effect today through ATI, not TTI. Any Premiers that were sold direct from Premier to the customer or other distributors are not covered under this honorarium.
Neither TTI nor ATI ever purchased Premier Reticles Ltd as a company. Tangent Theta Incorporated purchased the major assets of Premier from the Bankruptcy Court of the State of Virginia in January 2013. This purchase was primarily manufacturing and factory equipment, but also included intellectual property.
TTI’s goal from the beginning has been to build a line of rifle telescopes that are beyond reproach. Having access to the Premier intellectual property has allowed the company to avoid pitfalls in design experienced by Premier. More importantly, has been the deep experience of the design team in optical production for military and aerospace customers that has enabled TTI to achieve the optical and mechanical performance that is considered to be unparalleled by many in the industry.


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